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Varma Therapy

Varma, also known as Marma Chikitsa or Varma Therapy, is an ancient Indian practice that involves the manipulation of vital energy points in the body, known as "marma points" or "varma points." These points are considered vital areas where life energy (prana) is concentrated.


Key aspects of Varma or Marma Therapy include:


Marma Points:

There are several varma points located throughout the body, typically at theintersections of muscles, veins, ligaments, bones, and joints of which 108 are considered asmajor. These points are believed to be centers of vital life force energy and considered as reflexanatomical points directly related to organs lying within. These points when traumatized(intrinsic or extrinsic) cause obstruction to the flow of life energy and lead to many systemicdisease or even death.

Energy Flow:

Varma therapy aims to balance the flow of energy (prana) in the body. Thetherapy of physical manipulation either by applying pressure on the varma points, doingmassage therapy with specific medicated oils or blowing certain medicines in the nose or intothe ears is thought to release blockages and restore the harmonious flow of energy.

Healing Touch

Specific massage techniques, pressure, and gentle manipulations on marmapoints is believed to have therapeutic effects on physical, mental, and energetic levels. Varmamtherapy is quite useful in case of emergency particularly when the patient isunconscious.

Therapeutic Applications

Varma therapy is used for various therapeutic purposes, including pain management, stress reduction, improving circulation, enhancing flexibility, and promoting overall well-being.

Integration with Ayurveda & Siddha

Varma therapy is often integrated with Ayurveda & Siddha, the traditional Indian systems of medicine. It is considered a complementary approach to enhance the effectiveness of the treatments.

Spiritual Connection

In addition to its physical benefits, Varma therapy is also associated with spiritual aspects. Practitioners may view it as a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and energetic dimensions of an individual.

Pre-procedure Care:

Evacuate stools or urinate before coming to the varma table.

Duration of Varma Treatment :

The duration of varma treatment varies from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on theseverity of the disease. Multiple sessions are usually recommended for ongoing orchronic issues

Post Procedure Care :

The therapy provides a soothing experience and one is expected to get a good night’s sleep orrest after the procedure.

Benefits of Varma Treatment :

Varmam therapy is rhythmically tuned and is quite effective for physical and mental relaxation aswell. It is a great support for musculoskeletal disorders

Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing energy levels
Balancing Energy Flow
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing improved circulation
Improves Circulation
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing fatigue care
Relieves Fatigue
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing flexibility care
Enhances Flexibility
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing stress and anxiety reduction
Manages Stress
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing improved concentration
Elevates Mental clarity and focus
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing neck pain relief
Alleviates Pain
Icon of Best Varma Treatment in Tamil Nadu and Varma Therapy Centre in Vellore representing skin detoxification
Detoxifies the body

It's important to note that individual experiences with Varma therapy can vary, and the therapy isoften used as part of a comprehensive approach to health and well-being. Our qualified andexperienced Varma therapy practitioner can provide personalized insights based on specifichealth conditions and goals.



What is Varma therapy?

Varma therapy is a unique , drugless , feather touch manipulative therapy andwell- established treatment form. It’s a traditional Indian - siddha system ofhealing technique that is developed and used by siddhars as a healing science thatinvolves applying pressure and manipulation to specific points (Varma points) onthe body to promote physical and mental well-being.

What are the functions of varma points ?

Varmam is a subtle energy which helps in the proper functioning of the bodyand life force. It is also referred to as varmam vaayu and varmam energy. Thisenergy regulates proper functioning of the air, blood and heat flow in the body,thereby preventing the affliction of diseases. This varmam energy is connectedwith the entire body. The paramount duty of this energy is to protect the body andlife force.

When a varmam point draws the required energy from the other varmam points, itis referred to as receiving and the term 'supplying' means sending the energy fromone varmam point to other varmam points. These are the basic functions of avarmam point. When these functions are disrupted, the body succumbs to diseases.

Proper stimulation of these points escalates the efficiency of these functions andhelps the body in becoming hale and healthy.

What are the principles behind Varma therapy?

Varma therapy is based on the concept of vital points, energy channels (nadis),and the flow of prana (vaasi) (life force energy) throughout the body. The therapyaims to restore the balance of prana(vaasi) by stimulating or relaxing specificVarma points.

What are the causes of disease according to siddha Varma therapy?

Varmam points provide immunity to the body as required. If the energy in the varmam point gets destroyed or decreased, then it leads to diseases in the body.

The varmam treatment balances that particular damaged varmam point by placing Vaasi or energy.

Excess intake of food, indigestion, excess sleep, insomnia, falling or getting hurt, may be some of the reasons for the reduction of energy in the varmam points, resulting in diseases. When the flow or function of air in the body is hindered, it reduces the varmam energy in the body thereby resulting in diseases. The act of regulating the functions of the air in the body is termed as varmam treatment

What conditions is Varma therapy used for?

Varma therapy is useful to address various physical, mental, and emotional issues, including pain relief, stress reduction, improving energy flow, enhancing flexibility, and promoting overall wellness.

How is Varma therapy performed?

A trained Siddha- Varma practitioner applies pressure, massage(thokkanam), or manipulation techniques to specific Varma points using their fingers, hands tostimulate energy flow and promote healing.

Is Varma therapy the same as acupuncture?

While both Varma therapy and acupuncture involve stimulating specific pointson the body for healing, they are distinct practices with different historical rootsand techniques. Varma therapy specifically focuses on vital points and energyflow, while acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Are there any risks associated with Varma therapy?

When performed by a skilled and trained Siddha practitioner, Varma therapy is safe. It’s important to seek treatment from a qualified practitioner.

Can anyone undergo Varma therapy?

Varma therapy is generally safe for most people, because varma therapy is done by a Siddha physician. Before the treatment the siddha- varma physician will check your naadi & consult with you especially if you have any underlying medical conditions

What should I expect during a Varma therapy session?

During a Varma therapy session, you can expect the practitioner to assess your condition and then apply gentle pressure and massage(thokkanam,) techniques to specific points on your body. The experience should be relaxing and non-invasive.

“Atithi Devo Bhava” - “Guest is God”

- Taittiriya Upanishad, Shikshavalli I

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