Infertility has emerged as one of the common problems in today’s world. The most common causes include- Improper diet and lifestyle, addictions such as alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing and drugs, stress, certain medications, PCOD in women, Thyroid abnormalities, disorders related to sperm and ovum are to name a few. Sri Narayani Holistic Centre aims at providing holistic approach based on one’s constitution(Prakriti), and tackling the issue through diet and lifestyle modifications, counseling, condition specific yogasanas, guided relaxation techniques and also incorporates siddha and Naturopathy therapies to help manage the condition effectively.
Condition specific treatment modalities are broadly categorized into two categories, namely- Shodhana Chikitsa (Purificatory procedures/ Panchakarma) and Shamana Chikitsa (Pacifying treatments).
Primary Infertility
Secondary Infertility