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Healthy aging is the core concept of Geriatric care. Ayurveda explains that as age progresses the predominant dosha that shows its effects is Vata( Air element) dosha. Thus, one experiences less sleep, constipation, Parkinson’s disease, Alzehmiers disease and arthritis issues during old age. It helps with these issues here at Sri Narayani holistic center the treatments are aimed at reducing degenerative process and strengthening the body with various therapies that also includes Naturopathy, yoga and siddha interventions besides Ayurveda therapies. Following are the therapies that are chosen based on one’s condition to be treated and also one’s bala is assessed by our Vaidyas before the procedure.



  • icon Purificatory therapies/ Detox/Panchakarma therapies.
  • icon Virechana- Purgation therapy- Medications given to expel vitiated doshas through Purgation.
  • icon Basti/Vasti Karma-Medicated Oil/Ghee/ Decoction is administered through Rectal route.
  • icon Nasya-Medicated drops instilled in the nostrils to clear blocked channels.

Shamana Chikitsa

  • iconLepa( Medicated paste applied on affected parts/whole body), Abhyanga( Body massage), Taila Dhara(Pizhichil)- Medicated oil poured on the body / Medicated Decoction dhara, SSPS- Swastika Shali Pinda sweda( Medicated rice cooked in herbs and fomentation given), Elakizhi( Patra pinda sweda- medicinal herbs tied in cloth and fomentation given), Kati Basti/ Greeva Basti/Prista Basti/( warm medicated oil allowed to stay in the Neck/ Low back/ complete spine), Jambeera Pinda Sweda( Fomentation with lemon mixed with herbs), Pichu( cotton dipped in medicated oil and applied on affected parts and allowed to stay for stipulated time), Avagaha( Immersion in medicated decoction), Shirodhara( Pouring of medicated oil on forehead), Thalapothichil( Medicated paste application on the head), Shirobasti( Medicated oil allowed to stay on the head for stipulated time), Shiropichu( Cotton dipped in medicated oil allowed to stay on head for stipulated time), Talam( Application of medicated paste on the vertex).

Conditions treated

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Pain in joints
  • Arthritis issues
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Stress related issues
  • Vision issues
  • GIT issues
  • Respiratory issues
  • Age related degenerative conditions



Helps improve mobility


Helps improve flexibility


Reduces constipation


Delays degenerative process


Strengthens Nervous system


Improves metabolism


Calms mind


Improves behavioral patterns


Improves sleep pattern


Improves quality of life


Reduces pain, swelling and inflammation


Strengthens Musculoskeletal system